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Following the events of chapter 99 (being interrupted by chapter 99.5), Zeno is finally revealed to be the invincible Ouryuu. Throughout the chapter, Zeno proves his invincibility, not dying even after being stabbed multiple times, having both arms cut off, having half of his face slashed, and even being decapitated, simply regenerating each time he is injured. At one point, he smiles kindly at a terrified Yona before attacking a soldier on horseback who was approaching.

Over the course of events, his skin hardens into dragon scales "like steel", to the point where the swords of the Kai Empire soldiers simply are repelled off his skin, and afterwards asking what their plan was, stating that he could continue to fight for "hundreds of years", and "he had all the time in the world", being immortal and invincible.

Frightened, the soldiers make a hasty retreat, and Zeno solemnly retrieves his dragon medallion before being tackled by Yona, Yoon, Kija, and Shin-Ah in a hug, with Jae-ha and Hak watching beside them. Amused by their concern, Zeno tells the group, "You're all adorable."

Characters In Order Of Appearance[]

  • Hak
  • Jae-Ha
  • Kija
  • Shin-Ah
  • Yona
  • Zeno

Abilities, Weapons and Items Used[]


v eChapters
Volume 1 0102030405 Volume 2 060708091011
Volume 3 121314151617 Volume 4 181920212223
Volume 5 242526272829 Volume 6 303132333435
Volume 7 363738394041 Volume 8 424344454647
Volume 9 484950515253 Volume 10 545556575859
Volume 11 606162636465 Volume 12 666768697070.170.2
Volume 13 71727374757676.1 Volume 14 777879808182
Volume 15 838485868788 Volume 16 899091929394
Volume 17 959697989999.1 Volume 18 100101102103104105105.1
Volume 19 106107108109110111111.1 Volume 20 112113114115116117
Volume 21 118119120121122123 Volume 22 124125126127128129
Volume 23 130131132133134134.5 Volume 24 135136137138139140
Volume 25 141142143144145146 Volume 26 147148149150151152
Volume 27 153154155156157157.5 Volume 28 158159160161162163
Volume 29 164165166167168169 Volume 30 170171172173174175
Volume 31 176177178179180181 Volume 32 182183184185186187
Volume 33 188189190191192193 Volume 34 194195196197198199
Volume 35 200201202203204 Volume 36 205